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Re: Fft Photoshop Plugin For Mac

카테고리 없음

by aninardi1976 2020. 3. 11. 05:46


Quite a mouthful I know, but you're possibly curious now. I recently discovered this method of removing the paper texture (or any repeating pattern) from scanned photographs and it works a treat. This video explains it far better than I can: Several Photoshop plugins are available for both Mac and Windows, easily found on Google. The one in the above video uses the red channel, whereas the version of the plugin I downloaded uses the green channel (but the method is identical and it's pretty obvious which channel to use when you first run it).

ForFft photoshop plugin 2017

Here's my first attempt. That's a pretty amazing result without a lot of work. I'll be trying it soon. Thanks for sharing! You're welcome.:thumbup: Out of the box it will only work on black and white images but there is a way of using it with a colour image. Firstly convert a copy of the image to black and white and run the filter as you normally would.

Then take the resulting 'clean' image, paste it into a new layer over the original colour image and change the blend mode of the black and white layer to luminosity. Here's my second attempt.

Download Plugins For Mac

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Quite a mouthful I know, but you're possibly curious now. I recently discovered this method of removing the paper texture (or any repeating pattern) from scanned photographs and it works a treat. This video explains it far better than I can: Several Photoshop plugins are available for both Mac and Windows, easily found on Google. The one in the above video uses the red channel, whereas the version of the plugin I downloaded uses the green channel (but the method is identical and it's pretty obvious which channel to use when you first run it). Here's my first attempt:Quite a mouthful I know, but you're possibly curio. Impressive!